基于标准集束化中心静脉导管干预策略观察儿科95万个导管日的每1 000个导管日可减少3例导管相关血流感染发生的系统评价和Meta分析
康琼芳 王颖雯 王瑞 王文超 顾莺 张玉侠 张崇凡
Reduction of three cases of central line-associated bloodstream infections per 1000 catheter days by standardized central line bundles based on the observation of 950 thousand catheter days: A systematic review and meta-analysis
KANG Qiong-fang, WANG Ying-wen, WANG Rui, WANG Wen-chao, GU Ying, ZHANG Yu-xia, ZHANG Chong-fan
中国循证儿科杂志 . 2020, (2): 87 -95 .