李苗 朱帅 支天 谢瑶 孙艳玲 王淑梅 杜淑旭 龚小军 金眉 葛明 宫剑 赵卫红 刘嵘 黄东生 孙黎明 武万水 马晓莉
Factors affecting the survival and prognosis of central nervous system tumors in infants: A multicenter retrospective cohort study
LI Miao, ZHU Shuai, ZHI Tian, XIE Yao, SUN Yanling, WANG Shumei, DU Shuxu, GONG Xiaojun, JIN Mei, GE Ming, GONG Jian, ZHAO Weihong, LIU Rong, HUANG Dongsheng, SUN Liming, WU Wanshui, MA Xiaoli
中国循证儿科杂志 . 2021, (6): 407 -413 .